Friday, January 25, 2013

Twin Mom Forced to Army Crawl

Our son, Evan, is a terrible napper. I have a post mostly written regarding what I've been doing this week to get him to nap (I am desperate)...but that is not what I'm going to share right now.  I'm going to tell you about my experience yesterday. It has come to army crawling. Yes, this is my life. I couldn't make this shit up.

Evan was down for his afternoon nap and after a mere 30 minutes I heard him fussing. My heart started pounding. No! Not already! I gave him a few minutes to calm down, but I quickly realized his cries meant he was up. If he doesn't nap he turns into an extremely crabby baby and mom usually ends up crying at some point in the day. So you see, these naps are important. Really important. He needs them. I need them. We have to have them!

I cursed as I stopped cleaning the floors and ran up the stairs. I hesitated outside of his room. What could I do to make this successful? I want this baby to keep napping! Immediately I pulled up my sweatshirt to cover most of my face. The one eye that was showing was in a severe squint. (If he sees your face you're a gonner. He's up! We always joke that we are probably the only parents that hide from our baby.) I took a deep breath and headed in...

I sprinted in and swooped in from behind and placed his paci in his mouth. He instantly calmed. I rocked his Rock N Play for a few minutes while I planned my exit strategy.

His eyes were still partially open and I knew if he saw any part of me it was game over. He'd be wide awake and turn into a hot mess within the hour. I did what any mom desperate to get her baby to nap would do-I got down on the floor quitely and proceeded to army crawl out of his room. I felt so ridiculous at the lengths I was going to in order to keep my baby asleep that I had to run downstairs so I could bust into laughter. (I then felt a tad crazy because I was laughing hysterically alone in my living room. But, the baby went back to sleep so who cares?) I fired off a text to my husband to let him know it had come to army crawling and he texted back to say I'd be getting camo for Mother's Day.

Evan did sleep for another 40 minutes. Yes, my twin mom stealth mode instinct that kicked in worked and I'm not afraid to do it again.


waiting and wishing said...

Awe.some! If my babies would nap in their room for longer than ten minutes, I'd do it too. Instead, I sit quietly, often holding one, just to have maybe an hour of quiet!

Mrs. T said...

I armed crawled on a daily basis to leave my son's room when he was an infant. My mom used to do it too, when she'd watch him. Sleep trumps dignity!!

Jen said...

Bahahaha! This is so awesome. Made me laugh. Thanks :)

Jules said...

AHAHAHA!!! This is even funnier than my classic "cat-burglar from a cartoon" walk when trying to leave their room without being heard! (imagine over-the-top tip toeing!)

MaryMargaret said...

Oh my goodness, he sounds like our Jack! I'm so glad your stealth worked.