Monday, January 30, 2012

Delayed Beta #2

Previously I wrote I was going in on Sunday for Beta #2. However, our RE office in Knox is open on weekends only if they have patients that need to be seen. When I was there on Friday morning they had several monitoring ultrasound appointments, which meant the Fri ultrasounds would most likely need another follow up on Sun.
But, because there are no rules in this IF game, it turned out none of the ultrasound patients needed to come back on Sunday. I got a call Friday afternoon letting me know a Sunday follow up would not be possible. We knew this was a possibility all along. Our IVF clinic in Chatt was fine with delaying our beta until Monday.
So, here we are waiting. My husband has endless amounts of patience. Me, not so much. I was fine until this morning. I woke up at 5:30 and my mind started racing with possibilities. This is a huge day and any milestone that is reached successfully is truly something to celebrate. However, I am all too well aware that not every story has a happy ending. We just have to wait and see...


Just T said...

I was stalking your page yesterday waiting for a great beta #2...

Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

Ahhh! I would be going crazy waiting! sending you loads of luck for a huge beta#2!

Eva Carper said...

Ugh...another day of waiting :( Good luck tomorrow!!

Jules said...

I know how stressful that beta #2 is. I hope you can get your results today! Praying for a high number for you!