Today I'm 25w4d pregnant. I flew by the 24 week mark of viability, and yes we high fived one another and cheered to the 24th week. Of course, being born at 24 weeks is in no way ideal, but at least medical intervention is an option at this point. I thought things were going great until I had my OB appointment today...
The good news of the appointment first: Babies are measuring fine and are ranked in the 50th percentile. The babies are in that meaty part of the curve where they aren't showing off, but they're not falling behind. I think 50th percentile is fab. Baby girl weighed 1 lb 12 oz and boy weighed 1 lb 14 oz. Girl's heartbeat was ticking away at 158 and boy's was 164. My cervix is measuring 3.5 cm, which I have been told is perfect at this point. My BP remains on the low side. I drank the sugary red drink in order to complete my glucose challenge test. I've heard/read how awful this drink is, however, I found it to be a mundane activity. It tasted like super sweet punch and I slammed it down in less than 2 minutes. No big deal at all. Don't worry about the glucose challenge test; it was by far the easiest test I've had to do in this pregnancy game so far!!
Now on to the bad news: I was weighed and am up 18 lbs overall (3 lbs since my last OB visit 3 weeks ago). This is not good. I received a lengthy lecture about eating more; C received a lecture to make me eat more. (I honestly have been eating A LOT!!) The OB spat off all the negative stats regarding a lack of adequate weight gain (early labor, low birth weight, more likely to spend more time in the NICU etc.) She said the studies are all there to support weight gain in a multiples pregnancy (I've read them!! I understand the benefits and I'm trying lady!!) and referred me to a nutritionist at the MFM clinic. Crap....a nutritionist?! Ugh...
At my current weight gain, I should gain about 30 pounds by the end of pregnancy and my OB wants to see at least 40 pounds. I've been eating more food and a lot of my snacks consist of cheese and nuts (high calorie foods!). I'm honestly at a loss for what to do...We were in Nashville this past weekend and we ate out for every. single. meal. How could I not have gained weight from all those calories? I have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks and if I haven't gained more weight by then I'm going to be put on 'activity restrictions.' What the hell does that mean? I was too afraid to ask... After the appointment, while I stood waiting to schedule the next one with Collin, I teared up. I waited until I left the office before I cried. I feel like I'm a horrible mom already...
The thought of shoving my mouth full of processed and junk food just to pack on pounds makes me a tad nauseous. Yuck. When it comes to health and eating, overall, I think we're in the 50th percentile ourselves. We're not showing off, but we're not falling behind. Sure, I buy a lot of organic, natural and fresh foods, but I also like to splurge on a bowl of ice cream or extra cheese on pizza from time to time. I think we have a fine balance in our house of eating well, while not being health freaks, but still splurging on the good stuff. I'm just confused as to what to do now...ditch all the healthy food? Eat burgers and shakes every day? Shove my face full of calories even when I'm not hungry? This predicament has me stressed...I'm not enjoying it at all....
When I made my follow up appointment and my appt to see the nutritionist, I said I felt like I was being sent to the principals office. The nutritionist at the MFM office is apparently in high demand, because the only day I could get in was on the day we're moving out of our house. Sigh. C won't be able to attend the appt because he'll be dealing with the movers. I'm absolutely dreading this appointment and I hope I can make it through without crying.
I'll hear back about my glucose challenge test by tomorrow. I hope it turns out well. If I am diabetic and have to gain a substantial amount of weight, I may require a feeding tube.... I can't deal with activity restrictions; I tend to be fidgety and don't like to sit still for too long. I have to find a way to gain weight. Project Make Amber Gain Weight STAT has begun...
I'm glad to hear that most of your appointment went well. Sorry about the food lecture. I know everyone says they would love to have the problem of having to eat more, but I'm sure it is just as stressful as those who are afraid they are gaining too much. Maybe the babies were just hitting a little growth spurt using up all your extra calories over the last couple of weeks.
That is one cute bump!!
{*high fives you*}
I am so glad your appointment went good! Boo for the pushy food lady lol.. Do you have a chipotle in your area? & do you like Mexican food!? that would be my recommendation! although I am no specialist! lol.. Glad to hear everything is good! Have a lovely rest of the week!
Hey there- I've come across recommendations to 'sneak' fats and calories in to food you are already eating. Use whole milk instead of skim, put butter in meals, pour packets of powdered milk in your foods, drink ensure shakes. I'm sure increasing the volume of food you are eating doesn't sound fun.. hopefully the nutritionist can help you get creative!
Argh. The words "lecture" and "scolding" make me mad on your behalf because, excuse her, it's not as though you aren't trying! I'm waiting to see if I get the same speech at my next appointment although I have to be honest, I too don't know what else to do to make myself eat more food! In what possible universe is it better for me and my child to switch my diet over to all fast food all the time? I'm trying to increase my portion size and add a protein shake or bar at least once a day and we'll see if that works. Good luck!
I am a (mostly) recovered anorexic and I have honestly spent the last five years of my life force feeding myself, eating when I'm not hungry, eating to the point of feeling sick, getting up in the middle of the night just to eat, etc. It sucks, but it is what you have to do to gain weight when your weight is steady a a certain point. I had to gain 20 lbs before I could even TRY to get pregnant, and it was horrible. Now that I am pregnant (with twins) I am still constantly eating when I don't want to and what I don't want to in order to gain what I am supposed to. I say I am "mostly" recovered because I feel horrible about it all the time. There is always a voice in my head telling me how bad this is and how fat I am. But the other option is the voice telling me I'm not doing everything I can for the babies. :-/ I am in no way at all whatsoever implying that you aren't doing all you can, I completely understand how you feel. I think it's really difficult for people with healthy eating pasts to comprehend what is necessary to gain when your weight is at a set point. Nutritionist will help you, supplements are the easiest way to do it, eating in the middle of the night (yogurt, milk) helps too. It is hard but you can do it, it just will require all of those things you say you don't want to do (with the exception of processed or fast food, you definitely don't need to do that).
GOOD LUCK. You are a great mom already, don't let anything make you think otherwise!
I haven't read much about pregnancy and weight gain, but I do know some people just don't get much at all and then end up with a very healthy pregnancy and babies. Sort of bothered that she made you feel so terrible over that. Might be worth it to chat with a midwife or someone that could give you a second opinion?
It sounds like you have a really good metabolism! It's such a shame that you're being scolded for it! I've been trying to include as many "add ons" as I can on almost everything I eat. That chicken sandwich? I add a hefty serving of mayo, cheese, and avocado if I have it handy. Milkshakes don't sound like a bad idea! I've been a dieter and struggled with my weight all my life, so I'm trying to do the opposite of what I do when I'm dieting (without eating too many processed/fast foods). I don't know if that helps you at all, but I hope it does! You can do it, Amber!
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