Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Life is Changing

I'm 7 weeks 5 days pregnant. I'm still getting used to thought of actually being pregnant...I wonder how long that will stick around?

It's started to sink in that we are in fact having twins. We're very excited and a little overwhelmed at the same time. We did a walk through at Babies R Us just to browse, because neither one of us has any clue what we're doing and what we need. Our walk through got us thinking about what we'll need for the babies, which in turn, resulted into an avalanche of where are we going to put all this stuff? Those double strollers are huge!

The house we live in right now is lovely, and has plenty of space for the time being, but we've always known this was not our forever home. We had plans of moving in 3-5 years, with our without kids. After we found out we were pregnant with twins, we started to ponder moving with two 3 year old children and 3 pets and quickly became overwhelmed by the idea. How would we ever keep the house clean and organized for showings? Maybe shedding a pet or two would help? I know 3 pets is a lot, but I adore our pets (one dog and two cats) and feel very passionately about adopting homeless pets so I know it would be easier to not have the animals, but there is no way I'd ever part with any of them. I can't stand people who adopt pets when it's convenient for them and then ditch them when they don't fit into their lives anymore. Don't get me started on animal rights... So here we are, in a house we'll fit in for now, but will close in quickly on us when the kids start moving around on their own. Plus, we're not in the school district we'd like to be in for our kiddos right now so aside from the space issue, we'd have to move before the kids start school.

Needless to say, we had a realtor over last night to discuss our options. We were both nervous about the meeting because we've all heard about the housing market these days... We found out we could sell our house and break even with the realtor fees; this is what we were hoping for. We've lived in the house for 3 years and got our $8k check from the government for buying our house in the first place, which we now get to keep since we've lived here 3 years. Thank you Obama!! The realtor was also impressed with the house and said she feels confident we could get it sold in 3-4 months. I watched a segment on the Today Show that said houses should be thought of as piggy banks and not cash cows. We won't be making money on our house, but we have all the money we've paid on it coming back to us and we will be able to make enough to cover the realtor fees. Plus, we're looking to upgrade and feel confident that we can get a great deal on a new house. Sounds like a positive situation given the market these days...

With this information under our belts, we're seriously considering moving. I didn't think we'd be moving so soon from this house. I love this house! We've been spoiled by the privacy it offers and I hope we can find something very similar but with more space.

The idea of moving has made the realization of how much our lives are changing sink in fast. Don't get me wrong, it's a very welcome change and we couldn't be happier, but there is a lot that will be changing around here!!

As far as the pregnancy goes, I've had strings of days where I'm nauseous all day and other days where I feel only slightly nauseous throughout the day. I never feel 'normal' anymore. I got a list of nausea remedies from the doctor; one was 25 mg of Vitamin B6 every 8 hrs. Whenever I'm feeling green, I've taken one of those and it seems to help curb the nausea tremendously. One thing that never seems to leave is the exhaustion! Here's an example: I went to bed last night at 10:30 and got up with my husband at 6:45 am to see him off to work. I laid down on the couch around 8 am and woke up at 10:30 am. I went to our room with the idea of showering, but laid down in bed (for just a minute!) and woke up to his text message at 11:56 am telling me he was coming home for lunch! I think I may get a few things done around the house and sneak in another nap because I'm still tired. I have some friends coming into town from Wisco tomorrow and I hope I can muster the energy to be a good host for the weekend... I'm also looking a little puffy around the midsection. Collin likes to say 'something's going on in there' whenever he sees it. They are all welcome signs.

As far as upcoming appointments, we're doing an ultrasound on March 7 and one March 19 and then we are done with any and all RE's. I'm ready to graduate to a regular OB! We're still trucking along with the progesterone injections (I had the option to switch to the suppository form of Crinone, but I opted not to change...another story for another time perhaps), Estrogen pills, and Metanx pills. We'll be done with the progesterone and estrogen at 10 weeks.

I'm still nervous about the ultrasounds and each milestone brings on anxiety, but I'm starting to enjoy myself a little more each day. Pregnancy after loss is not a relaxing ordeal....


Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

How exciting! Moving is a a big deal but will be nice to have a new space to build your new growing family in! I agree with you that pregnancy after loss is not a relaxing ordeal at all!!! I find myself completely relaxed at times then when I realize I am relaxed I start to get nervous again!

Jules said...

Oh Amber, I can so relate to the house thing! We also bought a house with the Obama $8 deal and we are just about to pass our 3 year mark, and I love this house but we are growing out of it fast (and I would really love a second bathroom already!!!) I think if you can afford it and upgrade to more room, then DO IT! I can also relate to the pregnancy after loss part. If this IVF works I don't think I'll be able to relax until well into my 2nd trimester. Oh, how much do I envy the blissfully unaware preggos!!

MaryMargaret said...

We, too, considered moving when we found out we were having twins. However, we decided to sit tight and explore out options in a few years. Good luck with your house hunt!

Eva Carper said...

so happy that things are going well!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm on the progesterone shots too, ouch! Some nights are better than others, but they are working, so I'll keep rolling with them. Can't even imagine my night without my daily progesterone shot in the toush ;)